Erin McKenna’s Bakery NYC | Disney Springs


Erin McKenna’s Bakery NYC was first brought to my attention when planning my most recent trip to Walt Disney World. I had been asking around for must-do places at Walt Disney World and my parents [on 2 separate occasions] recommended “that vegan place in Disney Springs that sells cupcakes”.

Now, I understand that this might not sound like a ringing endorsement in and of itself. However, knowing my parents and how they aren’t easily impressed by something as simple as cupcakes. . . . let alone vegan anything. . . . this enthusiasm over an [at the time] nameless vegan cupcake shop caught my attention. It wasn’t long before we had found the place they were talking about; Erin McKenna’s Bakery NYC.


Erin McKenna’s Bakery NYC is a bakery located at The Landing in Disney Springs. The bakery serves up a wide range of delicious treats to include cupcakes, donuts, teacakes, cinnamon rolls, begals, cookies and so much more. They also have a small selection of beverages to choose from.

Admittedly, the menu at Erin McKenna’s Bakery NYC doesn’t seem like anything to go out of your way for. Delicious as some of the items might sound or look, they’re not too different from what you could likely find at your local bakery. That being the case, why head over to Erin McKenna’s when you have a countless number of other options around the Walt Disney World Resort? That’s an easy one! Every single item at Erin McKenna’s Bakery NYC is kosher and free from refined sugar, gluten, wheat, soy, dairy and eggs.


Now, I’m not a person who has any dietary restrictions or food related allergies to worry about. I still wanted to give Erin McKenna’s Bakery a try though! This isn’t only because of the aforementioned recommendation, but also because I wanted to see if this would be a good recommendation for fellow mortals and happy haunts who do have dietary restrictions. Plus. . . this girl will never turn down the opportunity to try something delicious looking or sounding. In fact, I was so enthusiastic about giving Erin McKenna’s Bakery a try that I made a trip to Disney Springs with a visit to the bakery being my sole objective. Oh yeah! My eye was on the prize!

When you arrive at Erin McKenna’s Bakery NYC, one of the first things that you’ll likely notice is how small the shop and selection seems to be. Consisting mostly of a medium/small bakery case and whatever can fit on the counter by the register, the selection at Erin McKenna’s Bakery NYC isn’t one that could hold a candle to some of the other bakeries you’ll find around the Walt Disney World Resort. That is, until you take a second and think about exactly what it is you’re looking at. Remember, these items all accommodate dietary restrictions and needs. When you take that into consideration, and realize how limited the options are elsewhere, the selection seems much more impressive.

The selection at Erin McKenna’s Bakery NYC is very similar to what you’d expect to find at your favorite bakery back home. There are cupcakes, cookies, cookie sandwiches, muffins, eclairs, donuts, cinnamon rolls and the list goes on. Of all the items available to choose from, the one with the most variety seemed to be the cupcakes. From what I could tell, there were at least 11 different cupcakes to choose from. . . . . which is pretty impressive for any bakery; let alone a bakery’s “special diet” selection.


I found myself in quite the predicament when I stepped through the doors of Erin McKenna’s Bakery NYC in Disney Springs. There were so many delicious looking items that I wanted to try, but I was traveling solo. In other words, I have to either commit to eating way more sweets than I could stomach OR settle on just one thing. Being who I am. . . . . I managed to pull off doing neither! Fortunately, an items by the register caught my eye. Something called the “Bakery Sink”.

The “Bakery Sink” is a cup filled to the brim with a random selection of Erin McKenna’s Bakery items and topped with icing. Coming in at under $10.00 per cup. this seemed like it would be a great way to taste a variety of different treats without having to bother with the decision making process. And that’s a win if I’ve ever seen one!


On this particular day, the “Bakery Sink” consisted of cookies, carrot cake, coffee cake and more cookies. Of course, the whole thing was topped off with icing.


Now, before we continue on here, I have to make something clear. Talking about bakeries like this one, or food items like these, can sometimes be challenging; mainly because of the fact that they are “vegan” or “allergy friendly”. I know that sometimes reviews or opinions can be skewed because it’s “good for vegan” or “good for gluten free” and that can be confusing. With that being said, I want to assure you that the opinions I’m about to share here have absolutely nothing to do with these items being kosher or free from refined sugar, gluten, wheat, soy, dairy and eggs.

Just about as soon as I cracked the lid off my “Bakery Sink” and took my first bite I realized that I was in trouble. . . . . because it was not going to be easy to put the thing down! From the cookies to the cakes, everything that was jammed into the cup was really really good. Everything was moist, delicious and tasted distinctly like what it was. I also really liked that none of the items were overly sweet, which was a nice change of pace compared to some of the overly sweet treats that you might find yourself enjoying while on a Disney vacation. Even the icing wasn’t too sweet.


As far as my overall opinion of Erin McKenna’s Bakery NYC is concerned, I think it’s most definitely above average. Though there doesn’t seem to be anything very exciting or revolutionary about the menu, Erin McKenna’s Bakery NYC does what they do in a way that stands out. However, the question remains: is it worth going out of your way for during your Walt Disney World vacation?

Though I think that Erin McKenna’s Bakery NYC is a really great option if you’re looking for something that meets your dietary needs and/or restrictions, I hesitate to say that I’d go out of my way for it. Like I mentioned at the top of this discussion, Erin McKenna’s Bakery NYC has a selection that is very similar to what you could find at pretty much any other bakery. They also don’t offer anything up that feels distinctly Disney or unique enough that makes it feel like you need to get here before heading home from your Disney vacation. Of course, this isn’t to say that they are bad or below average by any stretch. . . . . I just don’t know that I’d recommend Erin McKenna’s Bakery NYC over some other options around Walt Disney World [or even just Disney Springs] for the average person.

On the other hand, if you’re trying to accommodate someone in your family or party that has dietary restrictions [and likes baked goods], Erin McKenna’s Bakery NYC should absolutely be on your list of places to visit. The selection is wide enough that the person you’re trying to accommodate has a variety of treats to choose from and the offerings are tasty enough that you can grab a little something for the whole family without feeling like you’ve missed out on the opportunity to eat something really good. When you put this together with what I think is very fair pricing, Erin McKenna’s Bakery NYC ranks pretty high.

At the end of the day, though it might not be something everyone wants to put on their must-do list, I’m glad to see a place like Erin McKenna’s Bakery at Disney Springs. It’s not only another way to ensure that guests who need a little bit of special attention in the food department have options, but also great options to choose from.

Have you ever been to Erin McKenna’s Bakery NYC? What did you think? What did you order? Tell us all about it by leaving a comment down below.


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