Everything You Need To Know About Disney World

  • Hand holding an ice cream float with a cake pop garnish


    There are over 200 dining locations available around the Walt Disney World Resort. From fine dining to a quick bite, there’s a little bit of something for everyone. The only question is. . . what are you in the mood for?

  • A roller coaster vehicle that looks like Slinky Dog descending a hill around dusk.


    There are a lot of ways to play at the Walt Disney World Resort! From classing amusement park attractions to live entertainment, there’s something for everyone to enjoy at the resort’s 4 theme parks at 30-some-odd hotels.

  • A laptop computer, halfway shut, with light from the screen glowing.


    Getting the most out of your Walt Disney World vacation takes some planning and preparation. Fortunately, we’re here to help you work out all of the details! So what are you waiting for? Let’s get into it!

Miles Walked At Disney World

Have you ever wondered how many miles a person can wrack up when visiting Walt Disney World? Well, I'll be tracking my mileage over the next year!

Visits To Walt Disney World Theme Parks

How often do we go to the Walt DIsney World? Keep checking back all year to find out!