Is Driving To Disney Right For You? 🚗

With the current state of the world and the recent announcements from Disney, you may be asking yourself a few questions about what a trip to Walt Disney World would look like for you and your family in the future. One of those questions just might be whether or not driving to Walt Disney World is right for you.

This is a question that I’ve asked myself many times in the past. Though flying has been our go-to method for getting to the Happiest Place On Earth, there’s always been a question as to whether or not driving would be for us. Then, in the winter of 2019, we made the decision to pack up the car and give the road trip thing a go. Though this was our first time driving to Walt Disney World, this was not our first road trip. Even so, there were still a few things that we took away from this experience.

In the future, we’ll go into more detail about the specifics of driving to Walt Disney World, but today I want to start with the basics. Mainly, whether or not driving to Walt Disney World is right for you and your family.

Let’s get into it!

The Good

🦇 EASIER TO CONTROL YOUR SURROUNDINGS - As things currently stand, Covid-19 is still very much a thing here in the United States [and pretty much everywhere else]. Because of this, people have changed the way they think about travel and some aim to minimize their risk by having more control of their surroundings. The idea of being in your own vehicle, eating only the food you’ve packed and/or minimizing the amount of time you’re in an enclosed space with large groups of people can definitely be appealing in times like these. Driving, rather than taking other forms of transit, can be a good way to accomplish all of these things.

🦇 COST EFFECTIVE - The cost of air travel is always changing. There are times when flights to Orlando are a drop in the bucket and other times when they’re a small fortune. When prices are high, or if you’re traveling with a large group, it may be more cost effective to drive. This is something you’ll only really know when you start to crunch the numbers for your next Walt Disney World vacation, but it might be worth taking into consideration.

🦇 NO PACKING RESTRICTIONS - This is probably my favorite reason to drive rather than fly. . . . . no limit on what or how much you can pack! Don’t get me wrong here, I’m not suggesting that you bring your entire wardrobe, but having the ability to pack whatever you want without taking into consideration whether it will fit in your luggage is really nice. This is also nice on the tail end of your trip, especially if you’re planning on purchasing fragine and/or expensive souvenirs.

🦇 MORE FLEXIBILITY - I might be an advocate for having a plan when you travel, whether the destination is Walt Disney World or elsewhere, but that doesn’t mean I don’t like the ability to be flexible. In fact, the whole reason I like having a plan when traveling is to allow for more flexibility. . . . . but that’s a discussion for another day. Driving to Walt Disney World is a great way to make the travel portion of your vacation accommodate more flexibility. Rather than functioning on someone else’s schedule, you can adjust accordingly for what works best for your family. Late to wake up the morning of your departure? No big deal! Want to grab some groceries from Walmart before getting to your resort hotel? No problem! The ways in which driving can allow for more flexibility is honestly endless.


🦇 EXPERIENCE MORE PLACES - If you’re like me, and want to see as much of the United States as possible. driving to Walt Disney World can be a great way to facilitate that process. Whether you’re taking in the scenery as you pass it by or stopping in for the night, driving can really be an unforgettable experience. Of course, where your trip begins will dictate which places are convenient stops along your way, but there are quite a few to choose from in the southeastern United States. On our last trip to Walt Disney World we enjoyed Nashville, Covington and Daytona Beach.

The Bad

🦇TIME CONSUMING - Depending on where your adventure begins and the people you are traveling with, driving to Walt Disney World can be quite time consuming. This makes driving less than ideal for those who are looking for a weekend away. are working with limited vacation time or are wanting to maximize their time at Walt Disney World.

🦇 YOU CAN’T JUST GO HOME - After what has been an exciting [and probably exhausting] time at Walt Disney World, you don’t just get to jump on the Magical Express and go home. . . . you’ve got to drive back. Though there are ways to make the drive back enjoyable [which we will talk about in the future], there’s no way to avoid how much of a drag these drives back home can be. The magic is gone, the crankiness is starting to set in and everyone is really just ready to be home.


🦇 COST - Although you’ve probably taken into consideration the cost of driving to Walt Disney World, the cost of having your car on property during your vacation isn’t something most people think about right away. Though there are some exceptions [DVC Members and select Annual Passholders], there is a nightly charge to park your car at your resort hotel at Walt Disney World. There are also parking fees at the parks, if you’re considering using your car rather than Walt Disney World Transportation to get around.

🦇 THERE ISN’T ALWAYS A LOT TO SEE - Though the travel writer in me wants to tell you all about the long list of interesting things to see and do in the United States, as someone who has driven from sea to shining sea, I have to be completely honest; there’s a whole lot of nothing out there. This isn’t to say that there’s nothing to do or see, because there is. The trouble is the mind-numbing stretches everywhere in-between. There’s no way around it, these long stretches can be difficult to get through. Though there are some families, or groups, who can manage through this type of travel just fine, others might find this unbearable.


Driving to Walt Disney World, or far off destination, is a big decision and shouldn’t be taken lightly. I hope that these points we talked about today can give you a place to start that decision making process.


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