Easy Salad 🥗 For A Day At The Parks

Whether you are trying to cut costs or calories, packing a basic meal and bringing it with you to the parks can be a great option. Today, I want to share one of our go-to park lunches with you.

Ok. . . I don’t have a catchy name for this lunch, so we’re just going to call it a salad bag. [I know. . . you deserve better.] In fact, this isn’t even so much of a recipe as much as it is a suggestion on how to execute a healthy and easy lunch that you can take to the parks.

No matter how you look at it, let’s just jump right in!


What You Need

🦇 Ziplock Bags - I recommend quart size freezer bags. Not only will they serve this purpose well, but there are plenty of other reasons you might want some ziplocks on hand during your trip. [We will talk more about that some other time.] I also recommend picking up a box of those small snack sized ziplock bags for dressing If you’d prefer to add the dressing right before it’s time to eat rather than in advance.

🦇 Utensils [disposable or reusable] - A small box of plastic forks, or reusable ones like I have pictured above, make it easier to enjoy your salad [or whatever else you pack] without having to hunt one down. If you’re planning on using reusable utensils, be sure to bring a way to wipe them down so that your bag stays clean.

🦇 Greens - I’m using baby spinach today, but you can use whatever greens you and your family prefer. Greens, and other produce, can be purchased off property [accessible by taking a ride-share] or from a grocery delivery service.

🦇 Veggies - Today I’ve got purple carrots and broccoli, but the sky is the limit here. Personally, I like to reach for veggies that I know will do well in the less than ideal conditions that are my backpack. Carrots, broccoli, celery, cherry tomatoes and radishes are all a good choice here. You don't have to stop at veggies either. Fruit [including dried fruit], nuts and seeds would all make a great addition too!

🦇 Dressing - This one is pretty self explanatory, but extra points if you find single serving packets to bring with you.

As I mentioned above, there are plenty of quick and affordable ways to get groceries [such as produce] locally, but don’t forget that you can get 90% of what you need here before leaving home. This can maximize your savings, especially if you’re shopping sales and deals. It can cut down significantly on the time you’ll spend in an unfamiliar store trying to find everything you’re looking for.

Once you have all the ingredients it's time to make your salad bags. This part is pretty self explanatory. All you’ve got to do is divide everything up and put it in the baggies. Personally, I like to make all of the baggies at once, which takes about 5 minutes total [even less if I purchase pre-cut veggies]. Once all the veggies have been divided up I also put a fork and dressing packet [or baggie of dressing] in each bag before setting them into the fridge. This makes each baggie a self contained meal.

With everything set aside in the fridge, it’s easy to grab a baggie and head out without too much thought. All I have to do is throw it in our cooler bag [or even straight in my backpack with an ice pack] and I’m good to go. Then, when it’s time to chow down, pop the bag open and enjoy!


Now, if you’re wondering why we like to use Ziplock baggies and plastic utensils, that’s for convenience sake. Though we’ve gone the route of using reusable containers before, sticking to baggies makes the meal compact [both in our backpacks and small room fridges] and cuts down on the dishes at the end of the day. Rather than having to clean out a plastic container and bring it back to the room to refill, we simply seal up the bag and toss it in the nearest trash can. Easy peasy!

LIke I mentioned at the top of today’s chat, we love this option. It’s a great way to get some greens into our diet during trips to Walt disney World and, when we’ve had travel companions with dietary restrictions, it’s been an easy way to accommodate them without having to find specific dining options that met their needs.


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