Walt Disney World Packing List 2021

It's that time of year again! You’ve been planning this Disney vacation for a while now and it's time to get the packing started [or start thinking about it anyway].

What to pack is often subjective. What exactly you will need can vary based upon the wants and needs of your family, but today, I have put together a packing list that we think ticks most of the boxes or will at very least help you get started on the right path.

Today, we are going to go over everything that we think you should consider packing in great detail, but if you’re wanting an easy to reference print out, check out our bootique. There you will find the printable version of what you’re seeing here available for download.


👕 Outfit For Each Day + 2 - It goes without saying that you’re going to need an outfit for each day of your trip, but the thing that people don’t always realize is how important it can be to have backups or extras to change into. What I like to do is pack one full outfit for each day of as well as 2 extras. This is ideal for mishaps that might happen while you’re at the parks or days when you might need a change of clothes to stay comfortable [like after getting caught in the rain or drenched on rides like Kali River Rapids]. I also recommend keeping the specific needs of those you’re traveling with in mind when deciding how many extras to pack. For example, will walking around in wet socks trigger a meltdown for that one person in your party? If yes, maybe consider bringing a few extra pairs of socks. You get the idea! This is especially important to keep in mind for budget travelers, because those last minute necessities on property are not cheap and will end up taking a good chunk out of your daily budget; especially if you’re on a tight one.

👕Sweatshirt or Lightweight Jacket - When most people prepare for their trip to Walt Disney World, or Florida in general, they’re preparing for warm weather. It makes sense, Florida is a hot and humid place to visit. However, with air conditioning and cool evenings, it’s also important to make sure you have a way to stay warm when you need to. . . . especially if you’re visiting during the cooler months. I recommend bringing a sweatshirt of lightweight jacket with you on your trip. Personally, we prefer something zip-up as opposed to pullover. This is because zip-up hoodies or jackets seem to accommodate more variations in temperature as they can be zipped all the way up or unzipped completely.

👕 Hat - I’m listing this here in the clothes section, but this could easily be an essential. If you’re visiting Walt Disney World, especially during the warmer months, a hat is a very important piece of gear. Though there are places around Walt Disney World to escape the sun, there’s a good chance that a majority of your time will be spent in direct sunlight. Having a way to protect your head from that direct sunlight is vital for staying cool and avoiding any heat related issues while at the parks. Baseball caps are great, but if you’re sensitive to heat, I recommend getting something with a brim that protects the sides of your race and back of your neck. There are lots of great options out there for every budget and style. You can also adorn your hat with pins, patches or other fun Disney souvenirs to make it your own.

👕 PJs - Everyone has different preferences when it comes to jammies. Personally, I like to pack a set for every other night of my stay. I also like to pack old, warn out, clothes to use as PJs when I’m at Walt Disney World [or any other places I travel]. Since they’re on their last leg anyway, rather than put them in the laundry bin and bringing them home, they hit the trash. This frees up some space in my luggage for the return trip home and helps clear out the closet of those items that I probably should have tossed a long time ago.

👕 Poncho or Raincoat - Getting caught in a rain shower while on your Walt Disney World vacation isn’t as uncommon as you’d might think. Though they might be frequent, they’re also fairly quick [for the most part], but they’ll still leave you soaked to the bone if you’re not prepared. The best way to handle the rain at Walt Disney World is with a poncho. They’re easy to carry around in your backpack, quick to deploy and will stand up better to the wind than an umbrella. Now, you can easily get ponchos while at the Walt Disney World from pretty much any retail location for around $10.00 each. These ponchos are usually pretty thick and durable, easily standing up to the wind as well as taking them on and off when entering buildings. In the past, including our most recent trip to Walt Disney World, we’ve purchased ponchos at the parks and used them multiple times during out trip with no problems over the course of our 2 week long vacation. However, I know that spending $10.00 per poncho isn’t an appealing idea to everyone out there. Many people like to use emergency ponchos like the ones you can find at Walmart, Target or even the dollar store. Though there is quite a bit of appeal to spending $0.85 on a poncho rather than $10.00, it’s important to keep in mind that we’re not talking apples to apples here. Most emergency ponchos are usually rather flimsy and designed for one time use. This means that you’ll likely need more than 1 for each of your family members; in some cases more than 1 per day. For some, particularly those who don’t want to carry a poncho around and would rather throw it in the trash after every use, the disposable emergency ponchos may be the way to go. For others who don’t mind taking the time to fold and carry their ponchos, I recommend what they’re selling at Walt Disney World or a high quality poncho. Either way, the cost will likely be the same, so the question is one of convenience and what’s right for your family.


👟 Sneakers - Some people like to think of a trip to Walt Disney World as a vacation, but when it comes to footwear, it’s best to think of it like an athletic event. Though there are buses, monorails, boats and other forms of transportation around the Walt Disney World Resort, you’re going to spend a majority of your time at the Happiest Place on Earth walking, standing and being on your feet. In other words, what you’re wearing on your feet can make or break your Disney vacation. That being the case, having a good pair of well worn in sneakers is an absolute must! I know that we talk a lot about budgeting here on the 2 Foolish Mortals website and how to cut corners, this is not the place to do that. With it being very possible that you and your family could log 10 or more miles of walking per day, going to your nearest sporting goods store and getting a pair of sneakers is well worth the investment. It’s also important to not wait until your trip to wear them. Make sure you take the time to break them in before your trip to avoid blisters and other general discomfort that sometimes comes with wearing new shoes.

👟 Sandals - For most days, sneakers should be your go-to, but having a set of sandals during your Walt Disney World vacation is important too. Whether you’re taking a quick stroll to the ice machine, grabbing a bite from the pool bar or going for a swim, sandals can be the welcome relief your little piggies have been waiting for after a long day in the parks. For some, simple shower shoe style flip flops might be the way to go. Personally, I like to spring for something a bit more durable and comfortable. This is especially the case after having been so far away from both the pool and the main lobby during our last trip when staying at Saratoga Springs. I think some people, myself included, don’t necessarily associate a trip to the pool as a half mile hike, but that can be the case for some guests in certain resorts.


🧳Phone - It goes without saying, but your phone is an important tool to have with you when visiting Walt Disney World. This isn’t only because you can use it to keep in touch with the rest of your party, but because it’s used for so much around the parks. With the current state of things at Walt Disney World, your phone is going to be used for everything from ordering food to booking Rise of the Resistance Boarding Passes. With this being the case, I not only recommend having your phone with you, but also equipping it with a few basic accessories that will make it easier to use while on the go at the parks. For example, if you find your phone jumping out of your hand frequently, something like a Popsocket could be helpful. You might also find a basic phone purse or fanny pack useful in keeping it easy to access rather than having to reach into your backpack or keep it in your back pocket.

🧳Charger - Obviously, if you have a phone with you then you’re going to need a phone charger. I recommend bringing both a cable and a wall outlet charger as not all rooms are equipped with USB outlets at this time.

🧳External Battery/Portable Charger - Because you’ll be using your phone so frequently while at Walt Disney World, it can be helpful to have a way to keep your phone powered up while on the go. This is where an external battery or portable charger comes in. There are different types of chargers out there, all of which have a different amount of juice loaded into them, but my personal fo-to is made by a company called Anker. Currently, I’m still using the same Anker charger that I purchased about 8 years ago and it’s still going strong.

🧳MagicBands or Park Tickets - Whether you have MagicBands, park tickets or both, make sure that you have them packed.

🧳Vacation Itinerary - I’ve talked about it a thousand times before and I’ll likely say it even more times in the future; make sure you have an itinerary for your trip. This is a great way to not only sure that you accomplish the things you want to, but also have all of the important information about your trip available in one place you can reference during your stay. If you’re curious about what it means to build a vacation itinerary or would like some guidance on how to make it happen, visit the Bootique and check out our guide on how to build an itinerary.

🧳Baby Wipes - Whether you’re traveling with a baby or not, baby wipes are a must have for any trip to Walt Disney World. Whether you’re needing to freshen up or clean up after that last snack, baby wipes can be a great way to accomplish the task. A small pack of baby wipes are great for the average traveler, but for those of us who are more prone to messes, larger packs and a baby wipe holder [that can be refilled every day] could be the better way to go.

🧳Sunglasses - If you’re like me, and you can’t live without your sunglasses, having a pay [or 3] isn’t even a question. . . . it’s an absolute necessity. Personally, I like to have a few different pairs of sunglasses with me when I visit Walt Disney World so that if they break or get lost I’m not faced with the decision to struggle or pay for an expensive pair at the parks. There are a few different places where you can get sunglasses without breaking the bank. I always like to check the dollar stores, as they have some really fun patterns and at $1.00 each, I can get a pair to match every outfit and occasion.



💊 Hand Sanitizer - Washing your hands with soap and water is really the best way to go, but sometimes it’s just not as easy to access soap and water as we’d like it to be. For all those moments in-between, hand sanitizer.

💊 Disinfectant Wipes - If you can manage to find disinfectant wipes in your neck of the woods, grabbing a pack and bringing them on your vacation with you might not be a bad idea. They can be effective in wiping down your phone at the end of the day or giving that table you’re sitting at a once over before digging into your snack.

💊 Face Coverings - Currently, it is required that all guests visiting the Walt Disney World Resort must wear approved face coverings. You can find our more information about the specific guidelines for face coverings [as well as every other health and safety matter] on the Walt Disney World website. That said, it is important to ensure that you have enough face masks for each of your family members to use for the duration of your vacation. As current guidance recommends washing masks between uses, we recommend that you have at least 1 mask per day of your vacation. Personally, I think that you should really be bringing along more than 1 mask for each day. This gives you the chance to change them out throughout the day, especially during the warmer months. I’ve gone into a few other specifics about mask wearing and finding the right mask for you in the past. If you’re interested in learning more about how to make wearing a mask during your vacation [and everyday life] easier, I encourage you to check it out.

💊 OTC Painkillers - There are a lot of reasons that you might want to bring OTC painkillers with you. Headaches, muscle aches, minor injuries. . . . need I go on? Personally, when I travel I like to bring a full size bottle with me that stays in the room and then I put a few doses in a pillbox that I keep in my daypack. I’ve also seen single dose packs that you can purchase, but I find that those can be rather expensive in comparison.

💊 Allergy Medicine - If you’re an allergy sufferer, having medicine that can help you manage your symptoms while at Walt Disney World can be the difference between a good time and a miserable one. There are lots of options available out there to choose from. Whatever it is that you’re taking, be sure to bring along enough to use for the duration of your trip.

💊 Anti-itch Cream - Mosquitoes might be a rate sight at Walt Disney World, but they’re not unheard of. If you’re the type of person who mosquitoes can’t seem to resist [like I am] be sure to bring along an anti-itch cream.

💊 Prescription Medication - It goes without saying that you should always travel with an appropriate amount of prescription medication. However, what I think people often don’t consider is bringing along some extra. It’s never a bad idea to have a few extra doses of a prescription medication, but this can be even more important if you’re traveling during hurricane season. Though there are hoops that you can jump through in order to get whatever it is you need while in Florida, if you’re stuck and trying to hunker down until a storm passes, having a few extra days of your prescription medicines can eliminate one more stress during an already hectic time. Of course, if you happen to be stuck at Walt Disney World or anywhere else in Orlando without enough doses of your prescription medication, you can always contact one of the many local pharmacies.

💊 First Aid Kit - In the past, we’ve talked about what to do if you’re injured or are in need of First Aid while at Walt Disney World. There are places to go in order to get the assistance that you need while at any of the parks, resorts or even Disney Springs. Some things are just easier to take care of yourself though. That’s why I recommend that you carry a small First Aid kit. You can purchase First Aid kits all over the place and the small kits that are travel ready are usually not too pricey, but I personally think it’s best to just make your own. The reason is simple. . . . . those small kits never have everything you need. As an alternative, I suggest making your way over to your local dollar store and grabbing some of the supplies that you’re sure will be most useful to you and your family and toss them in a pencil case.

💊 Tums - We’ve all been there. There’s not much more to say here. . . . . get yourself some tums.

💊 Knee, Ankle or Wrist Braces - If you’re traveling with someone who often uses a brace on their knee, ankle or wrist, it can be very useful to have those braces with you in case you need them. Much like I said when we were discussing shoes, visiting Walt Disney World is more of an athletic event than it is a vacation. There’s lots of physical activity involved. If you know that someone in your party is likely to strain, or reinjure, something then you really should have what they need to stay comfortable and moving for the duration of the trip. Unlike some other items, braces like these are not something you can find on property and you’ll likely have to visit a local pharmacy or department store to get what you need if you don’t already have it with you. This can add up quickly, especially if you’re hiring a ride-share, so it can make a lot of sense to bring it with you.

💊 Sunscreen - Florida is known as the “sunshine state” and there’s good reason for that. That being the case, be sure to bring sunscreen and apply it often. Personally, I prefer the sunscreen that comes in spray form. It’s much easier to apply and leaves less residue on my hands. [Anyone else hate that feeling?] I also really like the sticks of sunscreen, which I like to use on my exposed tattoos, but they can also be great for the face.

💊 Aloe - You know how there’s always that one spot that you seem to always miss with the sunscreen? When that spot becomes burned to a crisp, some aloe gel can make be the relief you’re probably looking for.

💊 Lip Balm - Lip balm is an important addition to your daypack when traveling, especially to a place like Disney. First, it’s a good way to get your lips hydrated after being dried out from the plane and it also has sunscreen in it which can prevent your lips from getting burned. However, nowadays lots of people are talking about how their lips are more likely to get chapped while wearing a mask. I’ll be honest with you, I’ve never experienced this, but I’ve seen it enough times that it seems like a good tip to include here.


🚿 Toothbrush - This is pretty straightforward, but there’s a few things I wanted to say here too. I know that there are some people who like bringing a “travel toothbrush” with them when they vacation. Personally, I think that travel toothbrushes [convenient as they are] can really be second fiddle to the toothbrushes we prefer for daily use. I like to actually bring my electric toothbrush, because it’s what gets me feeling the cleanest and freshest. Whatever you use though, make sure it’s something quality. After all, you’ve got a lot of snacking to do!

🚿 Toothpaste - Toothpaste is another easy one. Personally, I like to bring a full size tube rather than travel size. The reason. . . they’re more affordable.

🚿 Razors & Shaving Cream - We all show a little more skin when we’re at Walt Disney World and that means some of us will be bringing razors and shaving cream. Personally, I like to spring for razors and shaving cream that have hydrating properties when traveling to Walt Disney World because my skin can dry out so easily thanks to the sun and pools.

🚿 Hair Conditioner - If you’re staying at one of the Walt Disney World Resort hotels then you’ll have access to some of Disney’s great H2O products. We’ll be talking more about these products in the future, but it’s safe to say that you’ll probably love them. Though their line of products that are available to guests includes hair conditioner, I still think it’s worth bringing along something that you know does the job for your hair. Between the sun, the chlorine and the wind [from all those thrill rides] whipping your hair around, tangles will happen and having something that can help you manage them will make life that much easier. I personally use Aussie 3 Minute MIracle, which is a deep conditioner. I love the smell, I love how well it works and I love the price!

🚿 Detangler Brush - Like I mentioned just a moment ago, tangles happen when at Walt Disney World and you can have hair conditioner, but you also need a detangler brush. This is not only good for after bathtime, but can also be good after pooltime. I also like to carry a small travel brush with me when at the parks to get any tangles out that I notice when they happen so that they don’t get worse and have me struggling when I get back to the room.

🚿 Hair Elastics, Headbands & Bobby Pins - I don’t know about you, but I seem to misplace hair accessories just about as soon as I buy them. You might think that you have 35 hundred bobby pins and then . . . . none! Of course, this is always easier when you’re on the move or when you find yourself in situations where the wind is whipping [like on thrill rides]. This is why I always like to bring plenty of hair accessories to tie back and secure my hair while at Walt Disney World. This is another one of those things that, if you purchased ahead of time, would cost you considerably less than if you needed to make the purchase while at Disney World, so it’s worth adding a few extra packs to your bag.

🚿 Powder - When things are humid and sticky things can tend to get. . . . . . sticky! Powder can be a great tool to have on your vacation with you. I also know that some people like to bring along an “anti-chafe balm”. It’s a life saver!


Food & Snacks

🧁Instant Oatmeal - Instant oatmeal, particularly the variety that comes in single serving packets, is a must have whenever I travel. Not only is it incredible convenient [being in those single serve packs], but it’s also easy to make under pretty much any circumstance. It’s also a great hearty option to start off your day at the parks. Keep in mind, the theme parks don’t often have lots of breakfast options available to choose from [especially first thing in the morning] so having something in your stomach before you leave the room is a good way to get going.

🧁Granola Bars - Granola bars are another great option for when you’re visiting Walt Disney World. Again, they’re convenient and individually wrapped so that you can toss them in your pocket or bag. They’re also hearty enough to keep you going between meals.

🧁Fruit Snacks - I started bringing fruit snacks along with me every time I travel years ago when I was going a lot of long international flights. Like many of the other items you’ll find on this list, I like that they are individually wrapped and easy to carry. They’re also a great sweet treat that won’t melt as easily as chocolate or other candies. I also find that they can be a good way to keep your mouth from feeling dry if you’re spending a lot of time in air conditioning [like on a flight]. They’re also a fun snack that comes in a variety of shapes, which can be great for kids.

🧁Dried Fruit - Dried fruit is a great option for taking to Walt Disney World, especially if you’re being aware of what you’re eating. It’s easy to pack, doesn’t get ruined if it’s been banged around a bit and doesn’t require refrigeration. Put that all together and you’ve got a healthy snack that can help you get your daily fruit intake without having to spend a fortune in the parks. I like to make small baggies of dried fruits that I can bring with me each day to the parks.

🧁Chips & Crackers - Though there is no shortage of snack foods at Walt Disney World, having some chips and crackers can be a good way to both cut costs and curb that craving for a midnight snack. I like to bring along some bags of chips so that it makes it easier to split meals [especially big sandwiches and other offerings] without having to buy a second side. I also like to have crackers for both days at the parks and in the room. Nice neutral crackers, like oyster crackers or saltines, can be a good way to settle upset tummies which can happen at Walt Disney World for any number of reasons. These are easy to carry along with you and cheap if you bring them from home, but that’s not necessarily the case once you get to your resort.

🧁 Gum & Mints - There are a lot of reasons that people might have gum or mints while at Walt Disney World. It can help settle tummies, freshen breath. . . . the list goes on. Nowadays, gum and mints are even more important than they used to be in the past thanks to the face covering requirements. Look, I know it’s not the most appealing think to think about, but that garlic breath has nowhere to go under that Stitch face covering.

As has been the case in the past, gum can not be purchased on Walt Disney World property and so if you’re a gum chewer you’ll need to bring it with you. On the other hand, you can find mints and other breath fresheners at Walt Disney World at an elevated theme park price. Keeping both these things in mind, bringing some mints and/or gum with you is worth the space it will take up in your luggage.

🧁Coffee & Creamer - This won’t apply to everyone, but if you’re the type of person who can’t start the day without a cup of coffee, I recommend bringing a coffee kit stocked up with your favorites along with you. If you’re staying on Walt Disney World property, there’s a very good chance that your hotel room will be equipped with a coffee maker and some basics to make your morning cup of coffee. However, what Walt Disney World Resort Hotels provide doesn’t always hit the mark for coffee drinkers. That’s why, if you’re the type of person who is very particular about their coffee, it is best to simply bring along your own.

If bringing along a coffee kit is something you’re considering, be sure to check out what your resort hotel room is equipped with as far as coffee makers are concerned. Some of the Walt Disney World Resort Hotels are equipped with single serving pod style coffee makers, while others have a full size coffee pot. You can learn which type of coffee makers is available at the hotel you’ll be staying at by doing some basic research online, but I recommend contacting the resort directly.

Boredom Busters

🪀 Puzzles - Puzzles are great boredom busters! They’re quiet [which is great if you’re traveling with a napper], can be a solo or group activity and are usually affordable. Puzzles also come in lots of different difficulty levels, so this isn’t one of those boredom busters that is only good if you’ve got a very specific person you’re trying to entertain. Like most of everything else in this category, puzzles are easy to find for cheap. . . . especially at your local dollar store. They’re also something that you can easily get with Disney characters which can help carry along that “Disney” theme, even if you’re killing time in the room.

🪀 Books - Reading can be another great boredom busters. . . . for the right type of person. If you or someone you’re traveling with is into reading, this can be a good way to kill time in the room while others nap, are in the pool, are in bed [for those who turn in early] or during those days when the weather might be inclimate. [Don’t forget. . . . hurricane season is a thing!] Personally, I’m not the type of person who would easily get swept away by a book while at Disney. There’s just too much going on for me to sit down and flip pages. However, if I was going to bring a book [or books] along, I’d want to make sure it was something I could get sucked into. I’d likely bring along something that I’ve read multiple times and know will catch my attention.

🪀 Journals - I’m not sure about you, but I find journaling both relaxing and time consuming. Journaling at Walt Disney World, especially during those quiet moments, can be a lot of fun both at the time and later when revisiting the journal. It can be a bit of souvenir of the trip. You can bring a journal and writing materials along with you, but there are also lot of great journals and pens available at the shops around Walt Disney World.


Kitchen Items

🍲 Sponge - Bring along a sponge is a very affordable and useful thing to bring along when traveling to Walt Disney World. Not only can it be used to clean containers and other items that you have brought with you, but it can also be used to clean any of those fun things you might purchase while at Walt Disney World.

🍲 Water Bottle - A water bottle is what we consider to be an absolute must have when visiting Walt Disney World. There are a few different reasons for this. First, it’s going to save you money. Yes. . . . like everything else in the “necessity” category at Walt Disney World, bottled water is going to cut deep into your budget. [We’ll get more into the specifics of this when we talk about cutting costs, saving money and budgeting in the future.] On the other hand, water is free and available around Walt Disney world at water bottle fill stations. Second, a good water bottle will make it so that your water stays colder longer. This is hugely important in the summer months when you really just want to cool off.

Personally, I like bringing along a metal water bottle that is insulated and has an easy to use opening. Currently, I am using the Contigo Autoseal Chill Stainless Steel Water Bottle and loving it. It’s stainless steel, narrow [which makes it easy to stow and carry], has a loop/handle and cover for the mouthpiece. It’s also got a button that seals and releases water which makes it easy to avoid spilling water all over yourself or your bag. Very convenient!

🍲 Bottle Scrub Brush - Cleaning that water bottle that you’ve brought along would be a lot easier if you’ve got a bottle scrub brush! This might not be necessary if you’re only using water in your bottle, but if you’re going to pop some other flavored beverages in your bottle or if you’re traveling for a long period of time then it’s a good thing to have.

🍲 Reusable Straw & Straw Cleaner - Walt Disney World does a lot to help reduce their negative impact on the environment. One of those things is to reduce the amount of single use plastic including straws. This means that sucking down that soda or frozen drink will be done through a paper straw. In some cases, paper straws aren’t much of a big deal. they work much like other straws. . . . . but that’s not always the case. With frozen drinks or if you’re going to be nursing your drink for a long time, paper straws can become an inconvenience. This is why it’s a good idea to bring along a reusable straw and straw cleaner. We recommend bringing a larger straw so that it’s ideal for those frozen drinks [if that’s what you’re into] and something to stow your straw in when it’s not in use. There are lots of great products out there you can buy, but a ziplock baggie does just as well.

🍲 Dish Soap - We’re talking a lot about cleaning your water bottles and plastic containers, but you can’t do much cleaning without some soap. Dish soap can be purchased in small and easy to transport bottles.

BONUS TIP: Dish soap can also be a great way to get oily and greasy stains out of your clothes. Just rub some into the stain, throw it in the wash with an extra squeeze [and all your laundry detergent as per usual] and you’re golden.

🍲 Ice Pack - Especially in the hot summer months, having a way to keep your snacks and drinks cool is important. In the past, some might have simply made a trip to the ice machine at their hotel and filled their cooler for the day, but rules have since changed making that no longer an option. Walt Disney World will allow you to bring ice, but it needs to be an ice pack or contained in a plastic baggie. Personally, I like to bring along a few ice packs rather than make my way to the ice machine before each trip out to the parks. I recommend bring along 2 sets so that one can chill out in your mini-fridge while you use the other and they can be swapped each day.

🍲 Cooler - Bringing a cooler along with you when visiting Walt Disney World can be a really great way to keep snacks or packed lunches cool. It doesn’t even have to be a big cooler. Even something small enough to fit in your backpack, like a lunch box, will do the job.


🧺 Laundry Bag or Foldable Hamper - Organization is key when traveling, especially to a place like Walt Disney World. [Look, there’s a LOT that happens at the Happiest Place on Earth!] We’ll talk all about staying organized when you travel in the future, but for right now I want to focus on the one thing that can have arguably the biggest impact; laundry. In my opinion, dirty laundry is one of those things that we don’t spend too much time thinking about before we travel and then we’re in our small hotel room and. . . . . it’s everywhere! The best way to stay organized when traveling, especially if you’re staying in a small hotel room for an extended amount of time, is to have a place to put the laundry at the end of the day. I know that some people like foldable hampers. I personally prefer mesh laundry bags. They are cheap and can easily be shoved into your luggage at the end of your trip or washed if you happen to be doing laundry while on vacation.

🧺 Tide Pods - When I make lists like this one, my goal is usually to keep suggestions as general as possible in order to make sure that everyone can adapt the suggestions to their own budget or circumstances. Every once in a while though, there’s a product that stands out above the rest. Case and point. . . . Tide Pods.

Now, everyone vacations and travels differently. For me though, travel usually involves doing at least one load of laundry. [Usually because I’m out there for long stretches of time.] However, I realize that sometimes people don’t like to wash clothes when traveling or vacationing unless absolutely necessary. Whichever camp you fall into, having the supplies you need to wash a load of laundry or two is a good way to save some money. For me, the best solution to bringing along laundry detergent is to grab a small pack of Tide Pods or pack a few in a Ziplock and take them along with me. The great thing about Tide Pods is that they are already portioned out and you can transport them really easily. Of course, there are plenty of different types brands of “Tide Pod” like products, pick which one works best for you and you’ll be good to go!

🧺 Dryer Sheets - Like I said above, dryer sheets are useful if you’re going to be doing laundry while on vacation. However, they can be great for a few other situations too. Putting a few dryer sheets in your drawers or between your clothes when you pack is a great way to keep them smelling fresh. You can also put dryer sheets around your room [or near the air conditioner] to keep the room smelling fresh. You can even use dryer sheets to keep mosquitoes away. . . . but that’s a discussion for another day.

Fun Stuff

🧸Glow Sticks - When the sun goes down at Walt Disney World the glowing toys and accessories come out! If you’re going to be spending time at Walt Disney World during the evenings, having some glow sticks can be a fun way to stand out and avoid buying those light up things that you probably won’t use again once you get home. Glow sticks, necklaces and other fun glowing accessories are available all over the place, but can also be found for very reasonable prices at your local dollar store.

🧸Hair Glitter - Nothing makes you feel like a princess like pixie dust in your hair! Hair glitter is a fun way to do that. Make your own or grab some premade stuff.

🧸Mickey and/or Minnie Ears - Lots of people love having a wide array of Mickey and Minnie ears to accessorise with during their vacations. Of course, ears can be very expensive [$30.00 each] at the parks, so bringing some along with you can be a good idea. You can, of course, bring ears from past visits, but making your own or grabbing a few pairs at discounted rates from shopDisney can be another good way to go!


Everything Else

📸 Ziplock Baggies - The ways that Ziplock baggies can be used while at Walt Disney World are endless. Of course, you can use them for snacks or to put clean masks to switch out into. . . . . but the list doesn’t stop there. Ziplock baggies can be great for housing your phone or other electronics so they don’t get wet on water rides or in the rain. Again, the list goes on. Personally, I prefer quart or gallon size freezer bags. The “freezer” element is important because they tend to be more durable.

📸 Febreze Small Spaces - This is one of those things that I happened to have with me during my last road trip to Walt Disney World and now I won’t travel without it. Febreze Small Spaces is an air freshener designed for small rooms [like a bathroom] that comes in at around $3.00 each. Though they’re designed to be used in the home, I found that they do an amazing job in the car. Unlike what you’d usually buy for the car, the scents are more neutral, last longer and fill the space better. It also helped keep the car smelling fresh after having been parked for 2 weeks. Febreze Small Spaces also worked great in the room as a way to neutralize odors and keep the room smelling fresh.

📸 Pillow Blanket or Hooded Blanket - We’ve talked about these blankets before and everyone here at 2 Foolish Mortals loves them so much that we had to include it here. Whether you’re traveling with a child in a stroller, someone in a wheelchair or you just find yourself wanting an extra blanket/pillow in the room this is a good choice. Though you can find them on sale every now and again on shopDisney or at your favorite retailers.

📸 Fan and/or Misting Fan - Those who are visiting Walt Disney World in the summer months might need a way to cool off and a portable fan can be a good way to do just that. Disney sells misting fans, which are pretty great albeit a bit pricey, but you can find other alternatives as well.

📸 Camera and Extra Memory Card - If you’re the type of person who wants to take photos of your Disney vacation then don’t forget your camera and an extra memory card. [IMPORTANT NOTE: In the past, one of the main reasons that a lot of people would like to bring their camera would be to have the PhotoPass photographers take pictures with their cameras and avoid buying Memory Maker. Unfortunately, this is no longer happening at Walt Disney World as a way to keep guests and Cast Members safe. That said, if you’re not planning on taking lots of photos yourself with your own camera equipment, I recommend leaving it at home. As always though. . . . you do you.]

📸 Grocery Bags or Small Trash Bags - Having grocery bags [t-shirt bags] or small trash bags is something that is tremendously useful, especially if you’re going to be enjoying water rides at Walt Disney World or powering through rainy days. Not only can having plastic bags help you keep some of your items dry, but they can also help you stow away wet clothes or shoes once you’ve changed out of them.

Pixie Dust

In the past, we’ve talked a bit about how to make your Walt Disney World vacation more magical. We’ve also talked a bit about cutting costs. One of the ways you can do both without losing the Disney magic is bringing along some items that we’re calling Pixie Dust. We’ll be going into much more detail about this and giving you some more ideas in the future, but for today, here are some brief examples.

Character Icing Decorations - One of our favorite ways to cut costs and save time [not to mention prevent meltdowns] is to have breakfast in the room before you start the day. One easy, filling and affordable way to do this is with oatmeal. On its own, a bowl of oatmeal might not seem too special, but plop down a character icing decoration and BAM. . . . . it’s Mickey or Minnie oatmeal! These icing decorations are affordable, easy to transport and come in a variety of different characters and shapes so you can cater to whatever the favorites are in your family. They can also be added to just about anything you can think of.

Disney Plushies - There’s nothing quite like waking up snuggling with a Disney pal! Though it can be rather expensive to purchase plush toys while at Walt Disney World, there are lots of great deals you can take advantage of before your trip and bring along with you. Hiding these Disney plushies around the room, having them there when the kids wake up or even “finding” them in your backpack while at the parks can be a fun way to add some magic to your trip without breaking the bank.


WOW! We’ve covered a lot of ground today. Of course, this really only scratches the surface on what you should consider packing when visiting Walt Disney World in 2021. There’s an entire list we could write up for those traveling with babies, young children or those who are going to be using a wheelchair at the parks. We’ll continue working on those lists, but for now we’ve got some of the basics out of the way.

This is an ever evolving list though and so we’d all love to hear what you think. What are some of your must have items for traveling to Walt Disney World? Do you have any specific brands that you like to bring along with you, items or tips you’d like to share? Let us all know and help us continue to build the most inclusive and informative list we can by leaving a comment below!


Download Our WDW Packing List

If you’ve found what you read here to be useful, I’d like to welcome you to download our FREE WDW Packing List for 2021. You can do that by clicking on the image or by clicking HERE.

We hope that this guide and checklist is helpful is getting you started down planning your most magical vacation yet!


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