Harmonious FINALLY Set To Debut

After what has felt like a lot of waiting, we finally have a date for when Harmonious will debut at EPCOT. As part of The World’s Most Magical Celebration, Harmonious will debut on October 1st in celebration of Walt Disney World’s 50th anniversary.

The show, which was delayed quite a bit due to the pandemic, takes place in EPCOT’s World Showcase Lagoon where 5 permanent barges will use lights and choreographed fountains. The soundtrack for the show will feature beloved Disney classics that are being interpreted in such a way that will take guests on a journey around the world. This is done by a diverse group of 240 artists that will present the music like we’ve never heard it before. What exactly that will mean has still yet to be clarified.

Credit: Disney

Credit: Disney

Despite having yet to debut, Harmonious has already caused a bit of controversy among Disney fans; especially for EPCOT fans. There are those who aren’t crazy about the idea of using classic Disney music in an EPCOT show and others who will miss Illuminations: Reflections of Earth, but the main problem that many people have centers around the equipment. Unlike shows in the past, Harmonious features 5 massive barges that will remain in the center of World Showcase Lagoon rather than be moved in and out for the shoe each evening. This means that the view around the world, that so many EPCOT fans know and love, is obstructed by large equipment that is very industrial in nature.

Disney has clarified that the barges being used for Harmonious will double as a massive water fountain at the center of World Showcase Lagoon during the daylight house, but many remain skeptical. [That, by the way, includes those of us here at 2 Foolish Mortals.] Of course, we’ll do our best to reserve judgement until we see the final product. . . . . it’s not easy though!

Though the new nighttime spectacular Harmonious is not set to open until October 1st, nighttime spectaculars will begin again at Walt Disney World in July. This includes EPCOT Forever which will be taking place in World Showcase Lagoon. Whether or not it will make use of the Harmonious barges that are currently in place at the lagoon is yet to be seen. Personally, I’m hoping that we do get a glimpse at how the barges work prior to the 1st of October. Either way, we’ll be keeping an eye out!

What do you think about the barges? We’d love if you’d join the jamboree and tell us your thoughts. See you over there!


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