Plexiglass Being Removed From Queues

We’re starting to see more signs that Walt Disney World is returning to pre-pandemic normals, this time in the ride queues. Not only have social distancing markers been removed from the queues, as well as other locations around the parks, but now plexiglass has also started to come down.


Plexiglass dividers were added to ride queues when the parks reopened last year after an extended closure. These dividers stretched through the queues and prevented close contact between guests who were standing in close proximity to one another by creating a physical barrier.

Though effective, these plexiglass dividers came with their own set of challenges. In some cases, they could made the queues feel very small and a bit uncomfortable [such is the case with Grand Fiesta Tour] and in others they held a bit of heat and prevented a bit of airflow, making for what felt like an overly warm experience waiting in line. [We experienced this both at Slinky Dog Dash and Pirates of the Caribbean.]

The days of plexiglass dividers are coming to a close though!

All around Walt Disney World plexiglass is slowly being removed from ride queues. This is just one of the many health and safety protocols that has been relaxed in the past few weeks leading up to the peak summer season at the theme park.

The list of attractions that have removed plexiglass continues to grow, but includes some of our favorites: Peter Pan’s Flight, Haunted Mansion and Pirates of the Caribbean. We anticipate that we’ll see even more rides added to the list in the coming months as Walt Disney World makes its way back towards those pre-pandemic normals that we’ve all been hoping for.

How do you feel about the plexiglass dividers being removed from ride queues at Walt Disney World? Personally, we’re glad to see them go. Not only did they take away from the theme, but they also held heat and made the queues seem a lot warmer than they had to be, but we’d love to hear what you have to say. Join the jamboree and tell us all about your thoughts and what ride you’re hoping to see on this list next!


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