Some Cast Members Can Now Remove Face Coverings


Health and safety protocols have been in a seemingly constant state of change and adjustment since the parks reopened to guests last year. In the past couple months alone, Disney has been relaxing some of the requirements for park guests. This has included allowing guests to remove face coverings for outdoor photos, which was soon followed by eliminating the need for face coverings outdoors altogether.

Though requirements have relaxed for guests visiting Walt Disney World, they have remained the same for Cast Members. However, some sources are now reporting that Cast Members in select roles may now removed their face coverings. This includes Cast Members who work in outdoor settings away from others such as pest management, parking attendants and parade float drivers.

Cast Members who work indoors and/or in close proximity to guests are still required to wear face coverings with some rolls also requiring a face shield. Guests visiting Walt Disney World are not required to wear a face covering when in outdoor settings, but are asked to put one on in some areas including queues and indoor spaces. Guests also have the option to wear face coverings at all times if they so choose.


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